
George Steiner in conversation with Nicholas Shakespeare. George Steiner is anAmerican literary critic, essayist, philosopher, novelist, and educator. He has written extensively about the relationship between language, literature and society, and the impact of the Holocaust. Steiner was Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Geneva (1974–94), Professor of Comparative Literature and Fellow at the University of Oxford (1994–95) and Professor of Poetry at Harvard University (2001–02). He lives in Cambridge, England, where he has been Extraordinary Fellow at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge since 1969. He is married to author and historian Zara Shakow Steiner.

Magistrado especialista de lo contencioso-administrativo en el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Salamanca (Premio INAP 2019), y numerario de la Real Academia Asturiana de Jurisprudencia de Asturias. Caballero con Encomienda de la Orden de Alfonso X el Sabio (2019). Responsable del influyente blog jurídico: y de la bitácora vitalista Humanista, jurista y amigo de sus amigos.

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